October 2020 News

October News

COVID impacted every business in the area from the largest manufacturer to the smallest individual business.  We have been in contact with Iron Designs.  This is the small business that has been doing our mailbox restoration program.  He is back up and running and over the last several weeks has been gathering the material to…

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Camera Systems

This past year there were a couple of instances where homeowner’s wanted camera footage reviewed in order to try to identify a car that may have been related to suspicious activity.  Our camera systems have done a great job to help identify vehicles that have caused damage to the entrance.  However, they are not equipped…

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Video Monitoring System

As you may have noticed, there has been a lot of activity around our McClellan Road Entrance in the last two months. This is evidence of your subdivision dues at work. In the past three years we have had numerous incidents including destruction of the island wall, vehicles driving into the flower beds, damage to…

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