Spring is around the corner and improvements on our homes, yards, landscapes, will start soon. Please make sure you go over your Covenants’ specific section and Architectural Request BEFORE making modifications/additions to your property to make sure you comply. If you have any questions about your covenants or your projects feel free to email us…
Read MoreGarbage Pick
The City of Jackson started loose leaves collection Monday, November 5th. Make sure you keep the leaves separate from the tree trimmings and limbs. For more information on specific pickups please use the following link: http://www.cityofjackson.net/health-and-sanitation/garbage-recycling-schedule
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Nextdoor is the best way to stay in the know about what’s going on in your neighborhood. There are so many ways our neighbors can help us. Nextdoor is an easier way to connect with them.
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