Call for Order 6:00 pm
We made a count of homes to make sure we had enough votes for the 2019 expense sign off but we will move the vote for next meeting since we only had representation for 36 homes.
Troy Nelson introduced the board (himself as president, Jamie Vaughn as treasurer, Monica L Hagen as secretary, Karen Skelton as member at large, and Helen Jones as member at large)
Troy Nelson explained the incorporation completion process and adoption of bylaws. The bylaws are fairly generic and we can change them as needed. These are a starting point. We stressed the importance of reading this document which is located in our website:
Troy went through the Financial Reviews. First, we talked about the expenses we had in 2018 (copy attached). We answered a question from a neighbor regarding all the lawyer’s fees which reads:
Dinkelspiel – $2,610 (Attendance to last year’s meeting and incorporation docs)
Kizer Bonds – $1,673 (Liens)
Rainey Kizer – $ 1,136 (Liens & Litigation of Case)
Teel Maloney – $ 971 (Liens)
We also talked about overdues and the 6 liens already on place to homeowners who owe more than $1000. Explained how a lien would allow us to recover delinquent dues and any legal fee related to that specific home when it is to be sold.
One neighbor asked to add more specific information about what the dues are in the next letter (they mentioned in the past, a statement was sent to each homeowner) We will close this open item next week by sending statements to those neighbors who haven’t paid dues. We clarified that dues are $120 but if they are paid before April 30th a discount of $20 is taken off. WE DID NOT CHANGE THE AMOUNT FOR DUES, THEY ARE THE SAME FROM LAST YEAR.
Jamie Vaughn shared the “new” condensed covenants and asked neighbors to read in order to vote on the consolidation next meeting. (Pending to add the newest condensed covenants to website, which will be completed the following week) We have 17 different sections of covenants and 80% of them are the same. We want to consolidate for our neighborhood follows the same document and adapt to the growing family friendly neighborhood of Wyndchase. We will review the voting % to be able to make this happens.
Jamie Vaughn continued with our plan to bring the neighborhood together with social activities. We have two social events planned (one end of spring and another one in the fall) which have been proposed in the 2019 budget. We invited neighbors to participate in our organizing committees.
Jamie Vaugh wrapped up by letting neighbors know that we’ve talked to AT&T, responsible for the damages caused in some homes and want to come back and make sure they fix up all the homes involved. We collected only two names and addresses of the affected neighbors to pass along. If any other neighbor was affected please email us.
Suggestions from Homeowners
Concerns about loud dogs. We suggested to talk to their neighbors as we have no control over pets.
Concerns about Pergolas and other structures being built without approvals from the Board. We suggested to let us know as soon as you see/know somebody is starting construction of any kind so we can follow up and make sure they stop and submit a request.
No Solicitation Sign to be added at our entrance
Make a list of rental homeowners to contact them directly
Call city council to add a “dead end” sign at the end of Stornoway Dr.
Talk to builder (Bill Hall) about the Wyndchase home to make sure they comply with covenants, submit an architectural request and involve lawyer if they are not up to spec.
We finished the meeting letting homeowners know that we would have a board member voting coming soon as well as budget and condensed covenants. We couldn’t have an election this meeting since (by bylaws) we had to announce it 60 prior the meeting.
Meeting Ad Journ 7 pm
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