Video Monitoring System
As you may have noticed, there has been a lot of activity around our McClellan Road Entrance in the last two months. This is evidence of your subdivision dues at work.
In the past three years we have had numerous incidents including destruction of the island wall, vehicles driving into the flower beds, damage to the lighting and irrigation systems and theft of theWyndchase letters from the entrance stone walls.
Your HOA Board of Directors voted to install a video surveillance system to monitor all activity and traffic at the Wyndchase Drive entrance. The system with four cameras is night vision capable, internet based and motion activated. It provides 24/7 monitoring.
This system will retain a record of all vehicles entering and leaving the subdivision, and is capable of reading and recording license plate numbers. This will provide the HOA the opportunity to recover unreported damage. In addition, the system will assist the Jackson Police Department in their investigation, should any Wyndchase residents be victims of a home or auto break-in.