President Troy Nelson welcomed the attendees and began a summary of actions taken in the past year. He opened the meeting with a review of the HOA’s Financial report. Copies were provided to all participants. Please see HOA website for a copy of the report.
Old Business
- Dues Collection – Out of 314 homes, 256 have paid their 2021 dues. 58 homes are outstanding. Discussion was had about collecting dues. Board confirmed they did not pressure residents for payment during 2020 due to Covid. We will send a reminder out for 2021 and any past due amounts for 2020 will be requested at this time.
- Security System – Since our last meeting, we have had 2 repairs to the security system at the front entrance. The first was a camera replacement. The second was a replacement of 2 different cameras and then replacing corroded cables and connectors.
- Common Areas – There was damage to the front entrance flower beds due to a rock boulder being hit. We were able to collect restitution for this incident. The second incident was the street sign was knocked over and had to be replaced. We were not able to determine who hit the pole due to the entrance camera not working at that time.
- Covenant Rules – Concerning RV, trailer, boat and POD’s. The Board continues to address any ongoing issue concerning these items. We try to show reason if a homeowner has a short need and works with the Architecture Review Board (ARB) to resolve it. One ongoing concern was brought to the attention of the board and Jamie Vaughn agreed to address it by speaking to the homeowner again.
- Signs at Front Entrance – No signs are allowed in the planted areas at the front entrance. Yard sale signs may be placed in the easement area by the highway but must be removed in a timely fashion by the homeowner.
- Mailbox Renovation – The update given was the next phase will begin in October 2021 and should be completed in 6 to 8 weeks.
New Business
- New Garbage Roller Cans – We discussed several neighbors leaving their garbage cans out too long. All trash containers must be kept out of sight behind a wall, fence or in your garage except on trash pickup days. All trash containers must be placed at the curb side no earlier than after sunset the evening before pickup.
- July 4th Holiday – We discussed donating from the HOA funds and a suggestion was made to donate to the Pemberton Block Party in the amount of $1000. The annual event has garnered positive feedback among the neighborhood as very enjoyable to view. Positive comments were also shared regarding our first 4th of July Parade. We will make this an annual event.
- Halloween – We will have a Halloween Day Parade. Information will be sent to each homeowner and it will be posted on the website.
- Street Paving – The Mayor has posted a list of the upcoming paving projects for next three years and Wyndchase is not part of that initial project. All homeowners are encouraged to call the City Council and voice concerns.
- Architecture Review Board (ARB) – Concern about the ARB and how it is being utilized was discussed. Neighbors should inform the ARB of any building projects for their property so that the ARB can make sure they have proper approval. The HOA Board has been operating with only a three-person board and they don’t always know when additions or outside projects are being built.
- New Board Members – Charlie Bone and Mark Koch will be joining the HOA Board. Due to not having a quorum, we could not proceed.
The next HOA Board Meeting will be held prior to the Halloween parade on Sunday, October 31st.