News & Events
Spring Yard Sale – JUNE 6
There has been some interest in having a yard sale lately. Wrights Mill is having their neighborhood yard sale on June 6th and others thought it would be a good idea to have one the same weekend. I know it is late notice, if you want to participate the best idea is to put a…
Read MoreAnnual Meeting Postponed
Due to the current situation with COVID-19. We have decided to postpone the Annual Homeowners Association meeting. At this time, we feel it is better to plan the meeting when we have a better understanding of how this may impact all of us. A future date will be scheduled when there is no concern for viral…
Read MoreCamera Systems
This past year there were a couple of instances where homeowner’s wanted camera footage reviewed in order to try to identify a car that may have been related to suspicious activity. Our camera systems have done a great job to help identify vehicles that have caused damage to the entrance. However, they are not equipped…
Read MoreHOA Dues Time
WHOA has a yearly dues fee of $120. There is a $20 discount if paid by April 30 of the given year. You can pay by check or Paypal using the form below. Checks can be mailed to the WHOA’s PO box. If you are unsure of your balance, please feel free to reach out…
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